Every day our eyes catch the light of our memories – time spent with family, the journey to work, a special holiday, a beautiful sunset or a dark starlit night. Each image captured is a picture drawn in light – a photograph: only to be lost in our minds or forever forgotten. Nearly two hundred years ago a small group of amateur scientists achieved what had eluded mankind for centuries – the ability to capture a permanent record of an image seen by their own eyes – a moment in time frozen onto a surface. They had discovered Photography. They were the ‘Catchers of the Light’.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Melotte 15 in IC1805 reprocessed

The bright open star cluster, in this image is known as Melotte 15 after its discoverer, Philibert Jacques Melotte (1880-1961). Melotte 15 is embedded within and illuminates the central portion of the much larger glowing nebula identified as IC 1805.

The Heart Nebula, IC 1805, Sh2-190, lies some 7500 light years away from Earth and is located in the Perseus Arm of the Galaxy in the constellation Cassiopeia. This is an emission nebula showing glowing gas and darker dust lanes. The nebula is formed by plasma of ionized hydrogen and free electrons.

The interesting structure in the right of the image is a giant area of hydrogen gas that is caused to glow by the intense ultraviolet radiation from the massive stars of the Melotte 15 star cluster.
Dust and gas clouds are eroded by the pressure of the intense radiation.

The Melotte 15 star cluster is estimated to be 7,500 light years away from Earth.

Tricolor Emmision Line image
S[II] 8nm(Red)_Ha 5nm(Green)_O[III] 3nm(Blue)
Modified Hubble Palette

Instruments and exposure data:

S[II] 22*15min_Ha 39*10min_O[III] 26*15min
total exposure time : 1110min (18h 30min)

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener

FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Ha 5nm Astrodon

S[II] 8nm Baader
O[III] 3nm Astrodon
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Saturday, August 24, 2013

SH2 132 rework

SH2 132 rework

Modified Hubble Palette Ha_SII Ha OIII (L_RGB)
Ha 46*10min
SII 39 *10min
OIII 60*10min
total exposure time 24h and 10min

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sharpless (Sh2) 82 The Little Cocoon

Sharpless 82 is a small emission nebula in constellation Sagitta, surrounded by a blue reflection nebula. The two nebulas lie on the background of vast dark cloud of dust.

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: LRGB Baader Planetarium
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Lum :108*3min bin1x1 (5h 24min)
Red :76*4min bin 1x1(5h 4min)
Green :49*3min (2h 27min)
Blue:15*4min 50*180 (3h 30min)

Total exposure time 16 hours 25min

Vironas Athens Greece
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Arasteo Astrophotography: M84 M86 NGC4438 and companions part of Markarian's chain

M84 M86 NGC4438 and companions part of Markarian's chain

M84 M86 NGC4438 and companions part of Markarian's chain

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: LRGB Baader Planetarium
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Lum :72*6min bin1x1 (7h 12min)
Red :21*7min bin 1x1(2h 27min)
Green :21*7min (2h 27min)
Blue:28*7min (3h 16min)
Total exposure 15 hours 22min

Vironas Athens Greece
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

SH2_132 emission nebula

Sh2_132 emission nebula, a new treatment

Modified Hubble Palette  Ha_SII Ha OIII (L_RGB)
Ha   46*10min
SII   39 *10min
OIII 60*10min
total exposure time 24h and 10min....!

Instruments data:
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Ha 5nm Astrodon
SII 7nm Baader P
OIII 3nm Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro

Vironas Athens Greece

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sh2-132 emission nebula Ha light

Sh 2-132 is a faint emission nebula in Cepheus and lies around 10,000 light-years away.
It is illuminated by two Wolf-Rayett stars and several OB stars.

Instruments and exposure data:
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Ha 5nm Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Ha :46*10min bin1x1 (7 hours 40 min)

Vironas Athens Greece
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Helix nebula

The Helix Nebula (also known as The Helix, NGC 7293, or Caldwell 63) is a large planetary nebula (PN) located in the constellation Aquarius. Discovered by Karl Ludwig Harding, probably before 1824, this object is one of the closest to theEarth of all the bright planetary nebulae.[7] The estimated distance is about 215 parsecs or 700 light-years. It is similar in appearance to the Ring Nebula, whose size, age, and physical characteristics are similar to the Dumbbell Nebula, varying only in its relative proximity and the appearance from the equatorial viewing angle.[2] The Helix has often been referred to as the Eye of God on the Internet, since about 2003.[8]
The Helix Nebula is an example of a planetary nebula, or 'planetary' formed at the end of a star's evolution. Gases from the star in the surrounding space appear, from our vantage point, as if we are looking down a helix structure. The remnant central stellar core, known as a planetary nebula nucleus or PNN, is destined to become a white dwarf star. The observed glow of the central star is so energetic that it causes the previously expelled gases to brightly fluoresce.The Helix Nebula in the constellation of Aquarius lies about 700 light-years away, spanning about 0.8 parsec or 2.5 light-years. Recent images by the Hubble Space Telescope of the Helix Nebula are a composite of newly released images from the ACS instrument and the wide-angle images from the Mosaic Camera on the WIYN 0.9-metre telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory.

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Ha 5nm Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Ha :57*10min bin1x1 (9.5hours)

Vironas Athens Greece
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lagoon nebula

The Lagoon Nebula (catalogued as Messier 8 or M8, and as NGC 6523) is a giant interstellar cloud in the constellation Sagittarius. It is classified as an emission nebula and as an H II region.

The Lagoon Nebula was discovered by Guillaume Le Gentil in 1747 and is one of only two star-forming nebulae faintly visible to the naked eye from mid-northern latitudes. Seen with binoculars, it appears as a distinct oval cloudlike patch with a definite core. A fragile star cluster appears superimposed on it.
The Lagoon Nebula is estimated to be between 4,000-6,000 light years from the Earth. In the sky of Earth, it spans 90' by 40', translates to an actual dimension of 110 by 50 light years. 
Like many nebulas, it appears pink in time-exposure color photos but is gray to the eye peering through binoculars or a telescope, human vision having poor color sensitivity at low light levels. The nebula contains a number of Bok globules (dark, collapsing clouds of protostellar material), the most prominent of which have been catalogued by E. E. Barnard as B88, B89 and B296. It also includes a funnel-like or tornado-like structure caused by a hot O-type star that emanates ultraviolet light, heating and ionizing gases on the surface of the nebula. 
The Lagoon Nebula also contains at its centre a structure known as the Hourglass Nebula (so named by John Herschel), which should not be confused with the better known Hourglass Nebula in the constellation of Musca. In 2006 the first four Herbig-Haro objects were detected within the Hourglass, also including HH 870. This provides the first direct evidence of active star formation by accretion within it.


Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Ha 5nm Astrodon
SII 8nm Baader
OIII 3nm Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Ha   :35*6min bin1x1 (3.5hours)
OIII :20*8min bin 1x1(2.66hours)
SII   :23*10min_8*8min (4.9hours)
Total exposure 11 hours

Vironas Athens Greece
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Piraeus and Faliro by night

Piraeus and Faliro by night ...

Time lapse Photography attempts...


Just clouds...

Time lapse Photography attempts...
with Canon 350D


A fast Sunset...

Vironas, Athens

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Crater Copernicus

Copernicus is a lunar impact crater named after the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, located in eastern Oceanus Procellarum. It is estimated to be about 800 million years old, and typifies craters that formed during the Copernican period in that it has a prominent ray system.

Crater copernicus photo details:

Telescope : Meade LX90 (ota only)
Camera : IS DBK21
Televue Powermate x5
Mount: EQ6Pro

30 April 2012 22:38 local time

Kallithea Athens

Crater Clavius

Clavius is one of the largest crater formations on the Moon, and it is the third largest crater on the visible near side. It is located in the rugged southern highlands of the Moon, to the south of the prominent ray crater Tycho.


Crater clavius photo details:

Telescope : Meade LX90 (ota only)
Camera : IS DBK21
Televue Powermate x5
Mount: EQ6Pro

30 April 2012 22:48 local time

Kallithea Athens

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Melotte 15 _ another view...

The bright open star cluster, in this image is known as Melotte 15 after its discoverer, Philibert Jacques Melotte (1880-1961). Melotte 15 is embedded within and illuminates the central portion of the much larger glowing nebula identified as IC 1805.
The Heart Nebula, IC 1805, Sh2-190, lies some 7500 light years away from Earth and is located in the Perseus Arm of the Galaxy in the constellation Cassiopeia. This is an emission nebula showing glowing gas and darker dust lanes. The nebula is formed by plasma of ionized hydrogen and free electrons.

The interesting structure in the right of the image is a giant area of hydrogen gas that is caused to glow by the intense ultraviolet radiation from the massive stars of the Melotte 15 star cluster.
Dust and gas clouds are eroded by the pressure of the intense radiation.
The Melotte 15 star cluster is estimated to be 7,500 light years away from Earth.

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Ha 5nm Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Ha :39*10min bin1x1 (6.5hours)

Waxing Gibbous Moon 89% of full

Kallithea Athens Greece

Monday, November 21, 2011

Melotte 15 in IC1805

Tricolor Emmision Line image
S[II] 8nm(Red)_Ha 5nm(Green)_O[III] 3nm(Blue)
Modified Hubble Palette

Instruments and exposure data:

S[II] 22*15min_Ha 39*10min_O[III] 26*15min
total exposure time : 1110min (18h 30min)

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Ha 5nm Astrodon
S[II] 8nm Baader
O[III] 3nm Astrodon

Kallithea Athens Hellas

Anacortes Image of the Day 22/11/2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The ''heart'' of the Heart Nebula-Melotte 15 in IC 1805

The bright open star cluster, in this image is known as Melotte 15 after its discoverer, Philibert Jacques Melotte (1880-1961). Melotte 15 is embedded within and illuminates the central portion of the much larger glowing nebula identified as IC 1805.
The Melotte 15 star cluster is estimated to be 7,500 light years away from Earth.

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Ha 5nm Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Ha :39*10min bin1x1 (6.5hours)

Waxing Gibbous Moon 89% of full

Kallithea Athens Greece
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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Elephant's Trunk nebula IC1396

Tricolor Emmision Line image
S[II] 8nm(Red)_Ha 5nm(Green)_O[III] 3nm(Blue)
Modified Hubble Palette

S[II] 25*15min_Ha 29*15min_O[III] 18*15min
total exposure time : 1080min (18h)

Τελικά δεν άντεξα...και πήρα το 3nm O[III] .
Αν και βινιετάρει περισσότερο(μικρό το κακό) από αυτό της Baader , πέτυχα σημαντικά καλύτερο S/N!!!
Kallithea Athens Hellas

Anacortes Image of the Day 3/10/2011

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Elephant's Trunk nebula

The Elephant's Trunk nebula is a concentration of interstellar gas and dust in the star cluster IC 1396 – an ionized gas region located in the constellation Cepheus about 2,400 light years away from Earth.[1] The piece of the nebula shown here is the dark, dense globule IC 1396A; it is commonly called the Elephant's Trunk nebula because of its appearance at visible light wavelengths, where there is a dark patch with a bright, sinuous rim. The bright rim is the surface of the dense cloud that is being illuminated and ionized by a very bright, massive star that is just to the west of IC 1396A.The entire IC 1396 region is ionized by the massive star, except for dense globules that can protect themselves from the star's harsh ultraviolet rays.

The Elephant's Trunk nebula is now thought to be a site of star formation, containing several very young (less than 100,000 yr) stars that were discovered in infrared images in 2003. Two older (but still young, a couple of million years, by the standards of stars, which live for billions of years) stars are present in a small, circular cavity in the head of the globule. Winds from these young stars may have emptied the cavity.

The combined action of the light from the massive star ionizing and compressing the rim of the cloud, and the wind from the young stars shifting gas from the center outward lead to very high compression in the Elephant's Trunk nebula. This pressure has triggered the current generation of protostars.[2]

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI 
Ha 5nm Astrodon

Sky-Watcher   EQ6 Pro

Ha :29*15min bin1x1

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Sharpless 171 Hubble palette

Tricolor Emission Line Image
Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI 

SII 8nm Baader Planetarium
Ha 5nm Astrodon
OIII 8.5nm Baader Planetarium

Sky-Watcher   EQ6 Pro

SII :30*15min bin1x1
Ha :30*15min bin1x1
OIII:30*15min bin1x1

Total exposure time:22h30min 

Anacortes Image of the Day 19/09/2011
Northern Galactic Image of the Month Award for September 2011

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Sharpless 171 and Berkeley 59, HII region and open cluster in Cepheus

This expanding shell of gas and dust was created by the original star cluster at the heart of Cep OB4, that has now dispersed. It is now lit and ionized by the young star cluster Berkeley 59, at its south end and it is expanding into the dark nebula NGC 7822 at its north end. Berkeley 59 is surrounded by another dark region of disturbed gas and dust called W1.
credit: galaxymap.org 

Instruments and exposure data:
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Filter Ha 5nm Astrodon
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser

Ha:15*15min bin1x1
Total exposure time:3h45min
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Leo Triplet

Instruments and exposure data:
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Filter IDAS LPS _ Baader RGB
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser

Lum(LPS):81*10min(bin1x1) total 13h30min
Total exposure time:22h30min

Kallithea Athens Hellas

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Leo Triplet

The Leo Triplet (also known as the M66 Group) is a small group of galaxies about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. This galaxy group consists of the spiral galaxies M65, the M66, and the NGC 3628

Instruments and exposure data

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Lum(LPS):81*10min(bin1x1) total 13h30min
Kallithea Athens Hellas

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Crab Nebula M1

The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula in the constellation of Taurus. The nebula was observed by John Bevis in 1731.
The supernova was noted on July 4, 1054 A.D. by Chinese astronomers as a new or "guest star," and was about four times brighter than Venus, or about mag -6. According to the records, it was visible in daylight for 23 days, and 653 days to the naked eye in the night sky.
At X-ray and gamma-ray energies above 30 KeV, the Crab is generally the strongest persistent source in the sky, with measured flux extending to above 1012 eV. Located at a distance of about 6,500 light-years (2 kpc) from Earth, the nebula has a diameter of 11 ly (3.4 pc) and expands at a rate of about 1,500 kilometers per second.
At the center of the nebula lies the Crab Pulsar, a neutron star (or spinning ball of neutrons), 28-30km across,[5] which emits pulses of radiation from gamma rays to radio waves with a spin rate of 30.2 times per second. The nebula was the first astronomical object identified with a historical supernova explosion.
The cloudy remnants of SN 1054 are now known as the Crab Nebula. The nebula is also referred to as Messier 1 or M1, being the first Messier Object catalogued in 1758.

Instruments and exposure data
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Filter Astrodon 5nm
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Hα:10*15min(bin1x1) total 2h30min
Kallithea Athens Hellas

Astrobin Image of the Day 22 May 2014
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Monday, November 15, 2010

NGC 1491

NGC 1491 is an emission nebula found in the constellation of Perseus. This particular nebula has an 11th magnitude star in its center.This object is heavily composed of HII.The central star is "blowing" a bubble in the gas that immediately surrounds it(from www.noao.edu)
Instruments and exposure data
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Filter Astrodon 5nm
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Hα:42*10min(bin1x1) total 7h
Kallithea Athens Hellas
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rosette Nebula

The Rosette Nebula is a large, circular H II region located near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way Galaxy. The open cluster NGC 2244 is closely associated with the nebulosity, the stars of the cluster having been formed from the nebula's matter.
The cluster and nebula lie at a distance of some 5,200 light years from Earth (although estimates of the distance vary considerably) and measure roughly 130 light years in diameter. The radiation from the young stars excite the atoms in the nebula, causing them to emit radiation themselves producing the emission nebula we see. The mass of the nebula is estimated to be around 10,000 solar masses.
It is believed that stellar winds from a group of O and B stars are exerting pressure on interstellar clouds to cause compression, followed by star formation in the nebula. This star formation is currently still ongoing.
A survey of the nebula with the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 2001 has revealed the presence of very hot, young stars at the core of the Rosette Nebula. These stars have heated the surrounding gas to a temperature in the order of 6 million kelvins causing them to emit copious amounts of X-rays.
Instruments and exposure data
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Filter Astrodon Hα 5nm
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Hα:20*5min(bin1x1) total 1h40min
Kallithea Athens Hellas
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

NGC 7331 and Stephan's quintet

The spiral galaxy NGC 7331, in Pegasus, can be seen with small telescopes under dark skies as a faint fuzzy spot. It is an island universe similar to our own Galaxy (or maybe somewhat larger) and placed at a distance of 50 million light-years. NGC 7331 was discovered by Wilhelm Herschel in 1784
Stephan's Quintet in the constellation Pegasus is the first identified compact galaxy group of five galaxies about 300 million light-years away. The group was discovered by Édouard Stephan in 1877 at Marseilles Observatory. The group is the most studied of all the compact galaxy groups.
Recent infrared observations made with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have revealed the presence of a huge intergalactic shock wave, or "sonic boom" in the middle of Stephan's Quintet. This discovery, made by an international research team including scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) in Heidelberg, provides a local view of what might have been going on in the early universe, when vast mergers and collisions between galaxies were commonplace.

Instruments and exposure data
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and Feather Touch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Baader RGB filters
Luminance: 74*8min(bin1x1) total 9h52min
Red: 11*5min(bin1x1) Green: 11x5min(bin1x1) Blue: 18x5min(bin1x1) total 3h20min
FWHM: 3.41’’-4.89’’ 
Kallithea Athens Hellas
Aφιερωμένη στον αγαπητό μου φίλο Γιάννη Ελευθεριάδη!!!
Γιάννη άργησα 2 μήνες αλλά πιστεύω το αποτέλεσμα να σου αρέσει...
Anacortes Image of the  Day 3-10-2010                                                     
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Monday, August 30, 2010

Pickering's Triangle NGC 6979

Pickering's Triangle is part of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant, which includes the famous Veil Nebula.
Astronomers estimate that the supernova explosion that produced the nebula occurred between 5,000 to 10,000 years ago.
Pickering’s Triangle was discovered in 1904 by Williamina Fleming of the Harvard Observatory while examining photographic plates of the area. The object was named in honor of her boss, astronomer Edward Charles Pickering, then director of the Observatory. Pickering’s Triangle goes by a number of aliases, including Pickering’s Wedge, Fleming’s Triangular Wisp, and Simeis 3-188. Current estimates place this supernova remnant at about 1800 light years from Earth.
The entire Veil Nebula complex, of which Pickering’s Triangle is but a portion has an apparent diameter of about 3° or nine full moons!

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and Feather Touch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Astrodon 5nm Ηα
320 min 32*10min subs (bin 1x1) under near full moon
Kallithea Athens Hellas