Every day our eyes catch the light of our memories – time spent with family, the journey to work, a special holiday, a beautiful sunset or a dark starlit night. Each image captured is a picture drawn in light – a photograph: only to be lost in our minds or forever forgotten. Nearly two hundred years ago a small group of amateur scientists achieved what had eluded mankind for centuries – the ability to capture a permanent record of an image seen by their own eyes – a moment in time frozen onto a surface. They had discovered Photography. They were the ‘Catchers of the Light’.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Wizard Nebula

The Wizard Nebula is an emission nebula that surrounds the open star cluster NGC 7380 in the constellation Cepheus. The nebula is known for its unique shape, resembling the appearance of a medieval sorcerer. The active star forming region lies at a distance of 7,200 light years from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 7.2. It has a radius of 100 light years and occupies 25 arc minutes of the apparent sky. It has the designation Sh2-142 in the Sharpless catalog of H II regions.

Location: Via Lactea Observatory, Kristallopigi Paramithia, Greece

Instruments and exposure data:
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSIFilters: Ha 5nm Astrodon__O[III] 3nm Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro

Ha_OIII_OIII modified palette: Ha_(OIII+0.4Ha)_OIII

Ha:71*10min bin1x1
O[III]:72*10min bin1x1
Total exposure time:23h 50min

i totally reprocessed my previous published image of Wizard Nebula,hope you like it...