Every day our eyes catch the light of our memories – time spent with family, the journey to work, a special holiday, a beautiful sunset or a dark starlit night. Each image captured is a picture drawn in light – a photograph: only to be lost in our minds or forever forgotten. Nearly two hundred years ago a small group of amateur scientists achieved what had eluded mankind for centuries – the ability to capture a permanent record of an image seen by their own eyes – a moment in time frozen onto a surface. They had discovered Photography. They were the ‘Catchers of the Light’.
Showing posts with label Starizona MicroTouch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starizona MicroTouch. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2019

SH2 108 Hubble Palette

playing with starless sh2-108 i ended up to this version

Sh2 108 a close view in Hubble Palette (SHO)
SII as Red
Ha as Green
OIII as Blue

Instruments and exposure data:
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: 5nm Hα Astrodon, 3nm OIII Astrodon, 8nm SII Baader
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro

SII  :25*10min bin 1x1
Ha  :11*10min bin1x1
OIII:25*10min bin 1x1

Total exposure time:10h 10min

Location: Via Lactea Observatory, Kristallopigi Paramithia, Greece

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Propeller Nebula in Cygnus_ Simeis 57

This is the first image taken from Via Lactea Observatory, my own observatory.
Photos of Via lactea Observatory will be published soon.

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: 5nm Hα Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro

Lum:38*10min bin1x1
Total exposure time:6h 20min

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Helix Nebula_NGC 7293_Ha 5nm

The Helix Nebula, also known as The Helix, NGC 7293, is a large planetary nebula (PN) located in the constellation Aquarius. Discovered by Karl Ludwig Harding, probably before 1824, this object is one of the closest to the Earth of all the bright planetary nebulae.The estimated distance is about 215 parsecs (700 light-years). It is similar in appearance to the Cat's Eye Nebula and the Ring Nebula, whose size, age, and physical characteristics are similar to the Dumbbell Nebula, varying only in its relative proximity and the appearance from the equatorial viewing angle.
*from Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia 

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: 5nm Hα Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro

Lum:108*10min bin1x1 Data from 2012 and 2015
Total exposure time:18h

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Emission Nebula NGC6820 with Open Cluster NGC6823

NGC 6820 is an emission nebula that surrounds open cluster NGC 6823 in Vulpecula, near M27, the Dumbbell Nebula. The nebula NGC 6820 is also called Sharpless catalog Sh 2-86.

The most striking feature is the trunk-like pillar of dust and gas protruding from the east side of the nebula towards the open cluster, NGC 6823 in the west. The center of the open cluster is about two million years old and is predominantly represented by many young, bright blue stars. Outer parts of the cluster intimately involving pillars of emission nebula NGC 6820, contain even younger stars. The huge pillars of gas and dust are probably formed when surrounding gas and dust is pushed and eroded away by radiation from nearby stars. Remarkable dark globules of gas and dust are also visible in the nebula, much as is seen in the better known Eagle Nebula in Serpens or the Lagoon Nebula in Sagittarius.
Open star cluster NGC 6823 is about 50 light years across and lies about 6000 light years away
*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: 5nm Hα Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro

Lum:39*10min bin1x1
Total exposure time:6h 30min

Location: Vironas,Athens Greece

Saturday, May 31, 2014

M16 the Eagle Nebula

This is an early version image of the M16 nebula,in Ha 5nm filter.

No crop , no noise reduction, just deconvolved and sharpen in ccdstack2 and then, contrast adjustement in photoshop.

Tonight , if i'm lucky i will continue with OIII ......

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: Ha 5nm Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro

Ha:39*10min bin1x1

Astrobin Image of the Day 3 Jun 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Flaming Star Nebula - IC 405

HaRGB technique it's not my favorite, but it's the only way to show this dramatic flaming view !!!
Ha (Ha+R)GB
Ha:80'(8x10') R:50'(10x5') G:50'(10x5') B:80'(16x5')
total exposure 260min

Instruments and exposure data:
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener and FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Filter Astrodon Hα 5nm
Astrodon RGB Filters

Astrobin Image of the Day 27 May 2014 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Leo Triplet_reprocessed

The Leo Triplet (also known as the M66 Group) is a small group of galaxies about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. This galaxy group consists of the spiral galaxies M65, the M66, and the NGC 3628

Instruments and exposure data

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: LRGB Baader Planetarium, IDAS LPS
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro

Total exposure time:23h10min

Astrobin Image of the Day 31 Mar 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Elephant's Trunk nebula IC1396 _ rework

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Tricolor Emmision Line image
S[II] 8nm(Red)_Ha 5nm(Green)_O[III] 3nm(Blue)
Modified Hubble Palette

S[II] 25*15min_Ha 29*15min_O[III] 18*15min
total exposure time : 1080min (18h)

The Elephant's Trunk nebula is a concentration of interstellar gas and dust in the star cluster IC 1396 – an ionized gas region located in the constellation Cepheus about 2,400 light years away from Earth.[1] The piece of the nebula shown here is the dark, dense globule IC 1396A; it is commonly called the Elephant's Trunk nebula because of its appearance at visible light wavelengths, where there is a dark patch with a bright, sinuous rim. The bright rim is the surface of the dense cloud that is being illuminated and ionized by a very bright, massive star that is just to the west of IC 1396A.The entire IC 1396 region is ionized by the massive star, except for dense globules that can protect themselves from the star's harsh ultraviolet rays.

The Elephant's Trunk nebula is now thought to be a site of star formation, containing several very young (less than 100,000 yr) stars that were discovered in infrared images in 2003. Two older (but still young, a couple of million years, by the standards of stars, which live for billions of years) stars are present in a small, circular cavity in the head of the globule. Winds from these young stars may have emptied the cavity.

The combined action of the light from the massive star ionizing and compressing the rim of the cloud, and the wind from the young stars shifting gas from the center outward lead to very high compression in the Elephant's Trunk nebula. This pressure has triggered the current generation of protostars.[2]
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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thor's Helmet_NGC 2359

This is a 2 hours test shot on a difficult target ,mainly because of a low altitude.

Instruments and exposure data:

W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters:5nm Ha Astrodon

12*10min bin1x1 5nm Ha filter

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