M33 reprocessed with Registax Wavelets
Early version
The Triangulum Galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 3 million light years (ly) from Earth in the constellation Triangulum. It is catalogued as Messier 33 or NGC 598.
With a diameter of about 50,000 light years, the Triangulum galaxy is the third largest member of the Local Group of galaxies. It may be a gravitationally bound companion of the Andromeda Galaxy. (See below.) Triangulum may be home to 40 billion stars, compared to 400 billion for the Milky Way, and 1 trillion (1000 billion) stars for Andromeda.[6]
As mentioned above, M33 is linked to M31 by several streams of neutral hydrogen[47] and stars,[47] which suggests that a past interaction between these two galaxies took place between 2-8 billion years ago,[48][49] and a more violent encounter will occur 2.5 billion years in the future.[47]
The fate of the Triangulum Galaxy is unclear, but seems to be linked to its larger neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy. Suggested future scenarios for M33 include being torn apart and absorbed by Andromeda, fueling the latter with hydrogen to form new stars; eventually exhausting all of its gas, and thus the ability to form new stars;[50] or participating in the collision between the Milky Way and M31, most likely ending up orbiting the merger product of the latter two galaxies and fusing with it much later. Two other possibilities are a collision with the Milky Way before Andromeda arrives or an ejection out of the Local Group.[51]
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Instruments and exposure data:
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: LRGB Baader Planetarium, 5nm Ha Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Lum :147*5min bin1x1 (12h 15min)
Red :35*6min bin 1x1(3h 30min)
Green :27*6min (2h 42min)
Blue:46*6min bin1x1(4h 36min)
Ha:23*10min bin1x1(3h 50min)
Total exposure time 26hours 53min
Vironas Athens Greece
W.O FLT110 with dedicated TMB field flattener
FeatherTouch 3'' focuser
Starizona MicroTouch autofocuser
Meade DSI
Filters: LRGB Baader Planetarium, 5nm Ha Astrodon
Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro
Lum :147*5min bin1x1 (12h 15min)
Red :35*6min bin 1x1(3h 30min)
Green :27*6min (2h 42min)
Blue:46*6min bin1x1(4h 36min)
Ha:23*10min bin1x1(3h 50min)
Total exposure time 26hours 53min
Software : ccdsoft, eqmod, phd guiding, focusmax, ccdstack, aip4win, maximdl, photoshop cs
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